It’s extremely important to be aware of the fact that Christ came down to this earth with such a highly critical mission. His purpose was to create a pathway through which humanity could be reconciled to God and inherit eternal life. A mission that was successfully accomplished the moment He willingly laid down His life on the cross and resurrected three days later.
Having said that, there’s another important work that must be fulfilled in the life of those who have chosen to accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior. It’s such a great transformation that must be taken place continually.
That’s the key reason the Holy Spirit is sent by God to come and indwell those that believe in His only Son. His job is to empower us daily, so that we can live a victorious, fulfilling, and fruitful life for the glory of God.
Before Christ ascended to heaven, He had a conversation with His disciples regarding someone who will be sent by God in order to help them. He said to them, God will send you another advocate (John 14:16).
The term “another” means someone who is just like Him. Someone who will be as loving, caring, protective, and supportive as He is. He did speak about various functions that person will play in their lives. So among these are leading them into all truth, reminding them of everything He said, and teaching and helping them to understand the Word of God.
The Holy Spirit is the agent who’s working through us constantly in order to transform us day by day to become the very person that God wants us to be. He’s the One who bears witness with our own human spirit that we’re children of God (Romans 8:16). It’s safe to conclude that He’s the One reminding us of whom we are in Christ.
It’s unfortunate that many want to remain children of Satan due to their constant refusal to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord. He’s the One reminding us of whom we are in Christ. He’s the One who enables us to resist the devil along with his field of temptation that he’s unleashing on us. Lastly, the Christian life we’re living is based on what He is doing through us. See Christian marriage counselling